We are all fractals of God, duality exists so that God/creator/source may experience itself & become all knowing, duality is required for this, Christ consciousness is the beginning the initial point the stillness before movement through the field & before corruption that comes with duality.
The return of Christ or Christ consciousness which is what’s happening now is the return to the initial starting point a return to the original divine blueprint which can and does become corrupted due to duality & the inverted anti-christ or anti-krist becomes dominant, we exist within the Kristos/Christ Matrix. The return of Christ/Krist consciousness happens as a safeguard it is unstoppable as we will witness, ascension though the elevation of consciousness & the return to Christ consciousness.
It is what is breaking down the system & the world that has become inverted that we see & live in today, those in power who have sold their souls & have thus become disconnected from source consciousness try to prevent or at least slow it down but nothing will stop it as nothing may get in the way of ascension & ascending consciousness, free will of the individual does not factor & will be superseded as ascension and a return to Christ consciousness is absolute as God/Source/Christ consciousness will preserve itself to the ultimate.
I am in no way religious I do not follow any man made religious cults or teaching, to know true is to realise EVERYTHING has been inverted to truth, so rule of thumb if the system gave to to you even if the system disputes it or appears to be against it know one thing "the system gave it to you", the system plays both sides of the fence, anything the system gave is an inversion of truth, its is to defile everything that is of divine intention they worship the anti, the system is satanic.